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Totally blown away, a grateful Ridgely gets back in front of the camera to reveal a secret – that “The Great Ones” is actually 2 books in one. Click the play button on the video now to find out about the secret known as “The Code”.

UPDATE – Book Now Available!

Click here to purchase The Great Ones

“Please leave YOUR personal comment below—we want to hear from YOU! Thanks!”


  1. Freda Chaney

    Dear Ridgely,
    Thank you for sharing the Code contained
    on the left hand side of your book, The Great Ones. Since I have read the book,
    I can tell you that page 50 expresses what, for me, made the greatest difference in my own life. On that page,
    responsibility is driven home like a nail into the wall. As a person, I am responsible for my actions and reactions no matter what happens to me in my life. Blaming others gets me nowhwere. “The Great Ones blame no one; and no one who places blame will ever become a Great One.” Years ago, I learned this lesson for myself, and moved on quickly to resolve life-long issues of pain, and attract success. Even today, I look back at who I was and where I came from, and know that if it were not for my taking that stance of responsibility for my own life, I would still be in that rut–a big rut of blaming and whining about life’s hardships. Life “beyond the blaming” is a life well-lived. I rewrote my life by taking responsibility for ME. Risks–yes, a lot of them, and I tripped and fell more than a few times, but, by golly, I made it to the other side of the mountain as a different–no, a better human being!

  2. Hi Ridgely:

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom from “The Code” in your book, “The Great Ones”. I thoroughly enjoyed your book and benefited greatly from reading the Codes.

    What has really blessed and benefited my life the most and helped me to overcome many adversities is my belief in a Higher Power that lives within me. That Higher Power can be called God, Universal Love, the Cosmos, Divine Energy, etc. But, since childhood, I have learned to totally depend on the help, love and guidance from the Higher Power within myself. This Higher Power is my intuition which I have learned to trust over the years. Like Freda Chaney says in her post, channeling this Higher Power to guide me has helped me to become responsible for my life. I am responsible for creating my own reality and there is no one outside of myself to blame for any of my mistakes.

    As a result of being an open channel for my Higher Power to flow within me, life has become magical, miraculous and mystical. This flow of energy is so comforting and makes life so much easier and fun. Yes, I still encounter challenges that tests my spirit, but as I continue to rely totally on my inner guidance, I can move through these challenges and come out a winner because I have learned many lessons and gained in personal experience.

    One of my mentors, Marc Allen, who is a multi-millionaire businessman and president of his own publishing company, “New World Library”, has given me a personal mantra that helps me to live a joyful and creative life on a daily basis. This mantra is: “In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, I live my life to the fullest and create it the way I choose.” This mantra has been my guide in helping me to live the life of my dreams in a focused, responsible and fulfilling way.

    Thank you, Ridgely, for your wisdom and guidance. I appreciate you very much, bro. I wish you much continued success, joy and abundance in life.


  3. Ridge….
    My man….you continually amaze me. Ever since we recorded the spanish audio version of Los Grandes in my studio, the lessons that you channel are still making an impact on my life. I agree with Ms. Swenson, in the previous reply, that God is where the power lies. All of us are called to holiness. You are not only answering His call to you, but provide tremendous support and help to the rest of us on our own journeys.
    Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.
    Barry Little

  4. Susan K Lapp

    Hi Ridgely!;
    I am completely moved by what you wrote in the book,”The Great One’s”! 🙂 The code is immence success!; You are absolutely right! 🙂 Following the code has bought me inner spiritual self confidence in getting through serious & Painful illnesses I deal with, almost every minute of the day. But, with The Code, from you, Ridgely, I Thank You Sincerely From the Bottom of My Heart & Soul.; For I have found My way to fight through the Pain Through our Lord Jesus Christ & His Self’s Family. And, Through You, Ridgely!; This is True through the code, that you Must Believe in Yourself to go any further in your Life’s Journey’s & to Help Other’s, As I wish to do! 🙂 I too, know now, This to shall pass, & that there is Alway’s someone worse than thy one’s self. So, I am battling Asthma, COPD, Emphysema, A Tilted Pelvis, Complete Nerve Damage in Both Leg’s, & Severe Spinal Diseases As well as, Now, I just found out 6 Month’s ago, Bone Cancer is my Biggest Challenge. But, I am a True Believer in Myself, The Lord & His Family, As well as You, Ridgely! 🙂 So, I wish you The Very Best this Holiday Season!; to You & Your Wonderful Loving Family!!! 🙂 I wish all your Dream’s & Wishes, as Your Wonderful Loving Family’s, Come True!; Now & Forever & Ever &…..<3 But, On Top The Most, I Say…God Bless You!; Ridgely, Your Wonderfully Loving Family, & I Thank You!; From the Very Bottom of My Heart & Soul!; For letting me have the Courage & Strength in Finding Myself & Thy Lord, To Go On in My Life, Fighting, The Battle, Each & Everyday!!! 🙂 I WILL SURVIVE!!! 🙂 ALL MY LOVE, THOUGHT'S & PRAYER'S!; & SUPPORT!!! <3 GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY!; Susan K Lapp Of Cresskill, N.J. XOXO….<3

  5. I am repeatedly amazed at how life gives us what we expect. And constantly amazed at how LITTLE i actually expect.
    Thank you for reminding me to EXPECT more. I look forward to hearing and reading more from you.
    glad to see you were able to read without your glasses!! very nice!

  6. Ridge,

    I love the way you have laid out this book nad have shared with us through video!
    The major sticking point for me wa not what you read in this video but it was the amazement that your expressed when you realized that you read without assistance!
    I have MS and for the past 20 years I have been told that I should be in a nursing home (I’m only 37 years old.) because I defy the odds. I let God show me the way and I, too, walk without assistance!
    It must be “The Code” that I have realizing without realizing just letting His magic work without struggle!


    Smiling always helps!

  7. Hey Ridgely,
    Congrats on reading without your glasses, fantastic! Just wanted to thank you for writing the book and look forward to reading it soon. I will order it asap, for now though I am completely focusing on the OO. There are major things happening, thanks!
    The saying states, when the student is ready the master will appear. Receiving two SURE was more than I expected!

    Thanks mate and see you on the next call!

  8. Well, here I go again! In fact, I teared up just hearing about the multitude of responses and YOUR response to them. I feel such a deep connection to everything you have written – and more importantly to you.

    I had a dream this last weekend. It is difficult to put into words and give the magnitude of its meaning justice. The dream was about making an incredible discovery of an alternate plane that exists parallel to the physical plane that we ‘normally’ live in. The access to this plane was through two large gold doors that swung inward. (I believe that HOW the doors opened is important.) Once inside, I saw this huge mechanism also made of gold. It was multitudinous cogs whirring together with absolute synchronicity, in a cosmic dance – like the inner workings of an enormous clock. I also discovered that speech was not necessary in this place. Communication took place through thoughts shared back and forth. (In the dream, I had gone to this place with my oldest daughter, to show it to her. We found ourselves ‘speaking’ to one another through thought, about the awesomeness of this place, the seeming ‘Magic’ of the “Mechanism.” Then, the Mechanism began to communicate to us. The message was clear and concise: “Having opened the doors to this chamber, having accessed that which was seemingly unknown – this very act DEMANDS a choice! Which way will you go now that you know what it is that you have found? The secret being, that this has always been available to you – open and accessible to any that choose to “See” and “Know” that which actually have known all along. YOU made a choice a long time ago – to hide this information from yourself, in plain sight. All you had to do was open the doors and walk in with the intense desire to “KNOW.” Now that you, the Seeker, have “Seen,” what will you choose? Will you turn around and leave, pretending that you did not “See?” Or will the Seeker move closer, dig deeper, peel away the layers of deception that keeps everything at bay – just out of reach? No matter what you choose, you are making a choice. Even if you think you can avoid doing so by not choosing. That in and of itself, is a CHOICE. So tell me, what will you, the Seeker, choose now?”

    As I read Edict I of The Code: “Thou shall make a decision and a commitment,” My dream came back to me like a blast! And when I read the quote, “If you don’t make a total commitment to whatever you’re doing, then you start looking to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking. It’s tough enough getting that boat to shore with everybody rowing, let alone when a guy stands up and starts putting his life jacket on.” – Lou Holtz.

    My husband and I have a Dream. And I realized that the reason there had ‘seemed’ to be so many setbacks, was that I HAD NOT MADE A COMMITMENT. Not until this last Monday. Once I made it, I felt the impact of that decision with soul-shattering clarity. I know now, how all 12 of the edicts listed, apply to that first choice. I look forward to sharing our magnificent achievement.

    Once again, Ridgley, thank you for sharing so deeply from your heart! From our “Heart” to yours…(knowing we are all connected *smile*) & with Love & Gratitude!

  9. g,day Rigdley, question for you, do you need the pain? what does it meen to you?i have lived with major back pain i injured my lower spine at work at 21 years old ago and cant do heavy work,as im a carpenter and self employed i went to work for years on pain killersjust to earn a $1 ive spent weeks on my back inpain you grow to know it and understand it your a grumpy guy in pain your kids dont see the pain they see i mad angry dad who does,nt want to play with them . if you can work you can play only for short time but it gets worse so you stop,with no external signs of injury people dont see the problem only the result, i decided one day not to let it control me and i stopped hurting,its natures way of saying stop what your doing , but sometimes we can be stuborn thanks for the kind words mate

  10. The only thing that has worked for me is to live in the ‘now’ and from there plow ahead. It eliminates past regrets and the only future is ‘now’, where you can work and live without all the heavy stuff we all carry and allows you to continue on your path.

  11. Having the opportunity to know you guys is the best thing that have happen to me.
    i have learn that life does not depends on the physical power that one have. The mental and spirituality of once heart can do all the magic. with this i now have that believe that were you determine to be that were you always be with your mental and spiritual drive.

  12. Hey Rigdley,
    Didn’t see your first edition but enjoyed this one, and just wanted to tell you we have had a successful business in the building industry for 30 years and raised a family and stuck to the rules as much as possible. Myself have belonged to a Judo club since my teen years and prefer to tread the most warn, not that life doesn’t
    send you a few curves but that’s what we are here for to grow. Anyway I am not much of an author so congrats. on your book and a job well done.
    All the best wishes for you and your family during the Christmas break and New Year.


  13. Dear Ridgely –

    I want to cut to the chase and not spend time thanking you and building you up so you will find value in my comment. I have found myself trying to package what I have to say so others will completely understand. Don’t have the time. Here’s my offering to you and your friends.

    I think that it’s absurd to think that anyone can believe in, as Phyllis would say, “Universal Love, the Cosmos, Divine Energy, etc.” That is simply a PC way to resolve the question of who God is. Imagine this simple reality: There are hundreds, probably thousands of different beliefs that all claim to have a corner on truth and that they know who God is and what He’s about. It should be abundantly obvious that to have the correct answer to the most sought after question in history is the “Great Prize”.

    Though this statement should be also abundantly obvious, it isn’t. There can be only ONE true creator of all. Sorry, there aren’t a few gods out there that all get along, all being omnipotent, yet believe completely different things.

    There is only one belief that passes the tests of history, archeology, science, prophesy, and any other discipline which we can determine truth. That belief is christianity. If someone is truly seeking truth and will put the knife to any preconceived ideas that prove false, than compare all beliefs to what christianity believes. Truth can be found, and it all stands or falls, based on Jesus Christ. Check out books by Josh McDowell, such as More Than A Carpenter. That’s a great place to start. Just a small paperback. It’s well worth the search. josh.org

    I was his traveling assistant over 30 years ago. His ministry brings the best of the mind and the heart together.

  14. Hi Ridgely,

    All of my life, I have benefitted greatly from willpower. Now I benefit even more from the utter lack of it.

    Thank you once again for sharing your story!!!!


  15. Ridgely,

    Thank you for being so transparent and sharing your personal story so intimately – that in itself is an inspiration. And, yes, we each have our story, don’t we? The important thing is, what do we do with our story.

    I had a challenging childhood given my father’s violence – and as an adult one of the things I do is teach a wonderful Parenting Class – for parents to see and nurture the greatness in their children.

    One of my grown daughters got very ill with the sudden onset of bipolar disorder due to the trauma of the sudden death of her father followed a few days later with breaking her tail bone in a fall. She ended up losing her home, business, husband and children. So tragic – however, the Phoenix arose from the ashes due to the strength and resilience of the Great Human Spirit – she regained her health, children a home and her business. One of the gifts she was bestowed with in her healing process was doing a particular form of art therapy that actually reactivated some damaged cells in her brain. The results were so amazing she is getting grants to spread the news – there is help beyond medication. She was determined that her tragedy would not be only a loose – rather transformed into a gift to others.

    Our stories beg the question, no matter what happened to me – how can it be transformed into a Gift and contribution?
    Thank you! Thank you! To All The Great Ones! And you! Kathleen Sims

  16. Hi Ridgley,

    There have been many things in my life that have helped me through my challenges and troubles. But the most important of these are the following…

    Having Mentors has certainly been an important and critical part of it all. And though I didn’t know them personally, they took the form of authors and speakers that I respected, people who could teach me through their stories and writings, and help me to see things from a different perspective. That is something I have been doing since I was a very young child.

    Another thing has been my knowledge of a higher power and trusting that this is a loving Universe. I use that trust to actually create a sense of mystery and wonderful in life. I stay curious about what might happen because the truth is that we don’t know, we only think we know, but things show up in the strangest ways sometimes. So keeping the mystery alive is like keeping my eyes and ears open to the unknown.

    Facing and moving through my fears has been something else. Fear can paralyze a person, or it can motivate them to move through it, to see what’s on the other side. If I give my power over to my fears, then I will never become the person I want to be. This even includes putting myself out to the world before everything is perfect and allowing myself to grow into what I am becoming versus holding back until “the right time” which will never actually come. So, I make steps in the direction of my dreams constantly, no matter how small, because they all add up.

    The last thing that has been a tremendous and life-changing benefit is that I journal and work with my night-time dreams, like Becky’s post here in this forum (and what a beautiful dream that was!). My dreams have given me a constant sense of support and guidance that I could not access in my waking day-to-day life. I have been working with them for over 30 years now, and because of my deep passion and love for the dreamtime, have made them part of my business as well, teaching others the importance of listening to, and tending to their dreams.

    So thank you again for inviting me to participate in your forum here, it’s so wonderful to read so many peoples posts. Blessings.

  17. well this is a touchy subject for it brings back things that i really haven’t thought of really in detail but i noted yesterday on all my losses but to my surprise i for got to mention my 1st born lived her last teen years with her dad, but she has come back in my life and can trust me with everything now. God has given me many teachers and i was just totally honest of where i was at and through each teacher of time i praticed princles of life i had not grew up with

  18. Many books (self-help) and a passion for constant upgrading my skills.Rethinking how I do something and do it better.Live large give large and love large. (Just not like a tiger though).

  19. I’v read some self-help books looking for the wisdom and trying to employ it,and living large ,giving large and loving large just (not like a tiger ).

  20. Dear Sir, I am so appriciate and thanks God to find your book which change my life. I hope all of the people in the world can read this. Please keep giong and be happy

  21. Robert Wortmann

    The thing that has worked for me is an unerring belief that I am capable and that I am worthy of all that I want to be, to do and to have.

  22. The most important step to get something done, no matter what it is, is starting to do it.

  23. thought so….:(

  24. One thing that has not been mentioned specifically is the decision to let go of resistance to what is. As long as we resist something, we continue to send our energy to that resistance. Only when we fully accept what is, in the moment, can we redirect our energy to what we want going forward.

    An example is the initial resistance that the muscle exerts when you begin to stretch it. If you find the release to that resistance by honoring that feeling, then you can begin to release the contraction and move deeper into lengthening the muscle. This is true of all things in life.


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